If you have any gifted or additional cars sitting around your home in Goshen, NY, consider selling them to us. At Healey Lincoln, there are a few ways you can benefit from selling us your vehicle. Straight-up selling to us can be a great way to make some extra money. However, you can use the car's trade-in value to make your next purchase from Healey Lincoln more affordable. Sell your car to our Goshen, NY dealership today!

Sell Any Make, Model, or Model Year to Us

We want to buy your car, truck, van, or SUV and pay you top dollar! We will take any make or model Middletown, NY drivers want to part with. Even older models may be worth more than you think. The best part? You don't have to buy from us to sell a vehicle.

Trade-In & Put the Value Towards Your Dream Car

Looking to buy a new Lincoln from our dealership? Cut costs by using the value of the vehicle you're trading in. This is a great option to help Montgomery, NY buyers get behind the wheel of a new car for a lower price. Value your trade online to begin the process. This trade-in tool will give an estimate in minutes based on some basic information you supply about your car.

Receive a concrete offer after getting directions and arriving at Healey Lincoln in Goshen, NY, where our appraisal team will take a closer look at your vehicle. Be sure to bring the car title with you, along with the owner's manual, all keys, a vehicle history report, and warranty documentation. Then you'll receive an offer, which can be accepted as cash or a trade-in credit.

Schedule Your Appraisal at Healey Lincoln

Sell your Lincoln or any other vehicle to our Goshen, NY dealership, where we cut out all the hassle to make the selling process fast, easy, and safe. We encourage prospective car sellers from Warwick, NY to West Milford, NJ tocontact us to schedule an on-site appraisal in Goshen. Speak to one of our representatives for more information on how you can get a cash offer today.

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